For a little bit of time now we have been back and forth between do we or don't we start a newsletter.....
So we thought we would throw it open and ask for your thoughts on the issue.
Our questions for you are:
- How often would you like to receive a Cackleberry Kids newsletter? Monthly / Bi-Monthly / Quarterly?
- What would you like to see in the newsletter?
- We would be looking at incorporating some guest writers into the mix. We are hosting a number of information nights and workshops and will have guest speakers on Nutrition, Allergies, Fitness for Mums & their Bubs, Fashion; shape/colour/style, Birthing coaches just to name a few.... would you like to see a snapshot of those workshops in the newsletter?
- Give aways?
Please post your comments below.....
Thanks so much for your help - we really appreciate it as we want to make our newsletter worthwhile, relevant and interesting for you : ) xx